DOI 10.61413/UCTV4938  DOI Linki

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University

Azerbaijan Scientific-Research & Design Prospecting Power Engineering Institute

Azerbaijan Technical University

Dear Colleagues,

In the last years our country has turned to the leader state of the region and one of the main energy safety guarantors of the Europe in the result of perfect strategy implemented by the initiative and administration of the honorable President Ilham Aliyev. 

We are very glad to represent the issue of a journal

named “ELECTROENERGETICS, ELECTROTECHNICS, ELECTROMECHANICS + CONTROL” that initiated and founded by the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University, Azerbaijan Scientific-Research & Design Prospecting Power Engineering Institute and The State Agency of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources. Also this journal devoted to the sustainable development of energy sector which is considered one of the leading areas of the country’s economy.

The journal is initially planned to be published twice in a year and the solution of important problems on power engineering will be reflected in it. The main purpose of journal is the publication of high-level articles dedicated to electric power systems, power stations, substations and their main equipments, electrotechnical complexes, automation and management means, the development of renewable energy sources and their activity. In the electricity development conditions the working out of the economic principles and methods of the energy security, energy efficiency issues are being intensively developed all over the world. At the same time application of modern innovative technologies, estimation of the renewable energy sources role, development of the economic aspects of the energy systems, assessment of the energy systems in the field of interstate cooperation condition and its legal base are important issues  awaiting their solution. The topics will also cover systems analysis, management and information software, automation and technological processes management and their modeling, as well as electrical and heating appliances, electrical machinery and apparatus, electric drivers, high-voltage equipment, electrotechnical materials, development of the bases of economic sector electricity supply. Original research results, the modern applying state and conditions of the science-research means in this or other areas will be delivered to the attention of local and international experts.

Information about materials of the symposiums, conferences and seminars held in the area of power engineering inside republic and internationally, as well as  monographs, discussions, opinions will also be printed in the journal.

Congratulations to everybody who contributed to the publishing of the journal. We wish successes to editorial staff in their future work. We would like to invite the potential authors of the international world to print their scientific articles in the journal of “ELECTROENERGETICS, ELECTROTECHNICS, ELECTROMECHANICS + CONTROL”.

Nurali A. Yusifbayli

Vice-rector of Azerbaijan Technical University

Doctor of technical science, professor

25 Hussein Javid prospekti

Baku, Azerbaijan

Phone: (+99412)  538 94 76

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